Our Products

Keystoker is most economical and efficient using anthracite rice or buckwheat coal. The savings on fuel bills alone will pay for your Keystoker in the course of time.

When you compare the cost of the Keystoker with any automatic hot water heating unit, you’ll realize how reasonable Keystoker is priced.

Set your thermostat to your desired comfort level. Regardless of outside temperature changes due to sunny days or cold windy nights, your thermostat will maintain a steady house temperature without any adjustments.
Welcome to Keystoker
Quality Materials, Workmanship and Service Only The Sun Does It Better!
Over 70 Years experience in producing anthracite coal heating equipment to provide an economical solution to high cost of today’s energy.
A remote Honeywell thermostat marks your stove, furnace, or boiler completely automatic.
Our boilers are built with heavy gauge high quality American made steel and are equipped with a copper coil that will produce 5 gallons of hot water every minute.The Keystoker warm air furnace is built to deliver maximum heat. The downdraft heat exchanger increase heating surface permitting direct circulation of every thermal unit into the warm air leader pipes for rapid distribution.
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